Senior Partner
Robert F. Hahn
Robert F. Hahn
Senior Partner
For more than twenty years, Mr. Hahn has been guiding and advising licensed legal professionals in every facet of their legal professional practice. Through his experience, judgment, and skill as a negotiator and advocate, Mr. Hahn has established a reputation of successful representation and a record of obtaining the best possible result for each client. His extensive experience with the various State agencies keeps him familiar with the current internal management of these agencies and the attorneys who represent them.
Twenty years of working with the same agencies has helped Mr. Hahn develop legal professional relationships with staff at every level within the agencies. These relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect, and a sense of regard for the effectiveness of his and his firm’s skills. Because of his long-time familiarity and personal interactions with agency staff and the administrative law judges who hear their cases, Mr. Hahn is able to provide insight into the particular concerns of each licensing agency and design results for each client that are as personally satisfying as possible. It is Mr. Hahn’s practice, and that of his firm, to tailor the handling of each case to the particular needs and concerns of each client. By viewing each client’s set of circumstances through this personal lens, Mr. Hahn offers compassionate and individualized representation, which is unique among licensing defense attorneys. Mr. Hahn has successfully argued cases before nearly every regulatory board and agency in California and is an extremely effective advocate at every level of administrative proceedings.
In addition to his defense work, Mr. Hahn also assists licensees and developers with the sale and leasing of residential care businesses, and prepares the sale and leaseback documents required to ensure a successful transaction.
Mr. Hahn encourages all licensees to protect their personal assets by operating as a corporation or limited liability company and prepares and files the formation documents required.